Collector’s farmyard - Приморская ГСХА

Collector’s farmyard (laboratory of practical training)

Head of the laboratory – candidate of biological science, assistant professor Kozhushko Alexander Anatolevich

tel: +7(4234)26-54-70, e-mail:


The laboratory of practical training (collector’s farmyard) was founded for practical classes on poultry farming, sheep farming and group of disciplines on the field of veterinary. It is used for practical classes, scientific research and professional orientation work with secondary school students.

There are some poultry species of different breeds and crosses on the collector’s farmyard: geese, hens, ducks, Muscovy duck, guinea fowl, turkeys, quails and sheep.

Student’s group “Zhivotnovod” was founded to maintain cleanliness and provide control on the territory of the collector’s farmyard. They clean the yard, feed animals and shear them.

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