Library - Приморская ГСХА


Head: Tatyana A. Butakova

Tel: 8(4234) 26-53-96

Schedule: Monday-Friday: 8:00 am - 5:00 pm

The scientific library is the information center of the University which systematizes a set of traditional and electronic learning resources aimed at meeting the information needs of all participants in the academic activities of the University. The scientific library of the University is an extensive network of departments: electronic reading-rooms, lending departments, reading rooms, information and bibliographic departments, the department of acquisition and scientific processing of literature.

The stock of the library is universal in subject matter and amounts to about 210 thousand copies. The electronic catalog contains about 115458 bibliographic records which contain textbooks, methodical guidelines, monographs, scientific papers, abstracts, dissertations, etc.

The official website of the library - - is primarily focused on the information needs and requests of students and teachers of the University. Virtual interaction of the scientific library operates both in electronic reading-rooms and in the remote mode on the website of the library.

Conditions have been created for students to work independently. 40 automated workstations provide access to remote and local electronic learning resources.

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