Forest plot - Приморская ГСХА

Forest plot and nursery forest garden

Forest plot of PSAA is a forestland for student’s practical training on the base of forest management. The total area of the forest plot is 28830 ha, it is just 30 minutes drive away from Ussuriisk. The forest grow condition are quite diverse here, so you can meet all principal types of forest typical for south Primorye.

Nursery forest garden is situated in the south part of forest plot. The main function of it is growing of planting material (seedlings and young plants) of forest wood and shrubby species for the purpose of reforestation and greenery. The variety of species in the nursery forest garden include needle fir, Dahurian larch, Manchurian walnut, Amur corktree, Manchurian apricot, heartleaf hornbeam, Siberian elm and many others.

Students of Forestry Institute carry out continuous monitoring of structure and dynamics of cedar and broad-leaf forest, winter inventory of wild animals; register animal tracks; deal with making-cut a coupe, planting forest crops, suppression of forest fire, protection of forest area from poachers.

There are some student teams in the Forestry Institute. Nature protection team “Tis” and volunteer fire team “Lesnik” are among them. Students from the teams search out illegal felling, illegal trade of fur trees on Christmas, work with specialists of nature reserves and hunting societies.

The visitors of the forest plot can walk on ecological path, which is 2.6 kilometers long, and get acquaintance with the great diversity of plants in wide forest.

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